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The Friends Association

The Friends Association is a parent-run charity set up to raise vital funds for the school.  Our soul purpose is to raise vital funds that enable us to enrich the school and the lives of the children and families that are part of our school community.  As the official parent body of St James the Great we are extremely proud to play such an important role in life at the school.

In addition to organising social events and activities for parents and children, such as our annual Christmas Fair and biennial Summer fair, we work hard to come up with new fundraising ideas and, particularly in recent years with ever tightening school budgets, have collaborated more in the past year with the school and staff members to see where we can help.

Examples of how we help:

This past year has seen us contribute to the cost for new books needed for the school reading scheme; purchase a new Outdoor Library which is currently being set-up by our lovely librarian, Ms Reagan; and contribute to the new colourful wall murals that can be seen around the school etc. 

This year we also are very pleased to have introduced the "Friends Association School Trip Funding Programme," which has enabled teachers to request funding in order to reduce the costs of trips to parents.  With rising prices of tickets and transport, this has meant that exciting trips that support the school curriculum can still go ahead and remain affordable to the families of STJTG.

The Snack Shack:

Our onsite tuck shop, the Snack Shack, is run by the Friends and fellow parent volunteers and, depending on what other events are running at any one time, is usually open after school on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

Parent Support:

All of the fundraising we do and the events that we run would not be possible without the support and help of the parents of STJTG.  If you would like to join the Friends Association or help out at one of our events then please email us at: friendssjtg@gmail.com - we appreciate any amount of time that a fellow parent can offer and are always looking for helping hands and new volunteers - many hands make light work! 

If you would like to read more about our current committee leaders then please click here.