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As we are a Catholic school, all of our PSHE and RSE teaching, is taught in line with our faith and Catholic beliefs and teachings.

Two years ago, we adopted the Diocesan and Church approved RSE scheme ‘Living Life to The full/ A journey in love’. We implemented this programme as it is in line with the Church’s teachings, rooted in relationships and promotes virtues which are essential in responding to God’s call to love others with a proper respect for their dignity and the dignity of the human body. These lessons are enhanced with the statutory science curriculum coverage, where pupils learn subject specific vocabulary relating to their bodies as they grow and develop. We have intentionally planned our curriculum so that it is cross curricular and integrated, to enable pupils to make links across different subjects.

Whilst science teaching is compulsory, as is RSE, each year we consult with parents, to ensure that you are fully briefed on what is being taught when and to enable us to gather your views in advance of these lessons commencing (which always take place within the Summer term of each academic year).