Achievement 2021-2022
60.7% of children gained a Good Level of Development. Average Point Score of 32.3
School 67.3% National 79%
Phonics School 96.4% National 87%
School | National | |
Reading Expected | 78.6% | 67% |
Reading Greater Depth | 23.2% | 18% |
Writing Expected | 61% | 58% |
Writing Greater Depth | 10.7% | 8% |
Maths Expected | 85.7% | 68% |
Maths Greater Depth | 21.4% | 15% |
School | National | |
Reading Expected | 85% | 75% |
Reading Greater Depth | 41% | 28% |
Writing Expected | 72% | 69% |
Writing Greater Depth | 26% | 13% |
English Grammar Punctuation and Spelling Expected |
88.9% | 72% |
English Grammar Punctuation and Spelling Greater Depth |
44.4% | 28% |
Maths Expected | 87% | 71% |
Maths Greater Depth | 44% | 23% |
Reading, Writing and Maths Combined | 72% | 59% |
National Data can be found on the Government Website and data used above can be viewed via the link below.
This page provides an edited summary of St James the Great's latest performance results as provided by the Department for Children, Schools and Families. (DCSF) and the Department for Education (Links to the raw data are available via the page “Performance Results – An Introduction”
- The above shows, that writing is now the greatest area impacted by Covid, particularly GDS standard in KS2 ( also impacting KS2 writing). The STJTG writing approach being led by English Lead/ SLT member is a mastery approach to writing and should have impact. With the additional deployment of Mrs Harrod to Y6, this is enabling the English Leader/ SLT member to personally teach and target our GDS readers every day.
- Year 1 phonics was impacted by cohort dependent issues.
- End of Keystage 1 results were significantly above the National average.
- End of Keystage 1 phonics reflects the good work being done to support those who did not achieve the standard in Year 1
- End of Keystage 2 results for RWM combined place us in the top 15% of schools nationally. This matches for Reading, Maths results place us in top 5% nationally for progress made from KS1.
- The data also shows that pupils have made progress throughout lockdown – particularly Y2 reading (EXP), and both KS1 and KS2 maths where assessments show higher attainment. This shows that the STJTG approach to remote education was robust and had strong impact.